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The Pirate Party Concluded

Lots of fun was had at L.P.’s 7th birthday pirate bash.

Party buckets were fully loaded and ready to distribute to the little pirates. 

Guests came in pirate costumes.  They were total hams and willing to pose for any picture.  Note to self:  get all pirates together next time for a group shot! 

We painted treasure boxes and put “precious” rocks in them. 

And there was even a game of “pin the flag on the treasure map.” 

The cheap Costco cake that I decorated myself with a cardboard treasure chest, gold coins, and pirate flags.

Why buy fancy decorations when your kid is happy to make the decorations with just butcher paper and paint. 

Teacher Appreciation Week

My stepson’s school is celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week.  As a teacher myself, I know how exciting it is to get something from a student.  I also know that the “something” could be anything: a card, a verbal “thank you,” anything.

Keeping to our family theme of environmentalism and saving money, I decided to have my stepson make something for the teacher:  a homemade flower pot with a daisy. 

Cost:  recycled plastic cranberry juice bottle (free), paint (already had it), flower ($2.99), card (made with materials around the house- free), tissue paper (free- leftover from school activity), ribbon (free- leftover from a present from my baby shower).

So, total cost for the project was $2.99.

I gave my stepson a pep talk about being careful with his flower on the bus and he seemed to understand (I hope!).  He was full of pride and anxious to show off his art work to his teacher. 

And I’m happy that I pulled off another DIY present.  🙂