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Family Garden

A few days ago we began the process of converting the little patch of dirt/grass that we have in our backyard into a family garden.  This patch of grass is formerly known as the place where the dog craps.  Our goal is to a) stop having to hunt for dog crap in tall weeds, and b) grow fruits and vegetables that we can eat that is pesticide-free. 

We made it a family affair.  Even the baby was involved, although he fell asleep pretty quickly. 

L.P. enjoys anything that involves putting his hands in dirt and digging around.

Even the dog got involved.

Our pot full of freshly planted thyme.

We bought a combination of seeds and plants.  Strawberries, bell peppers, cucumbers, pumpkins, corn…yum yum yum. 

Can’t wait to show off our fruits and veggies when they are ready!

Top Fruits & Veggies that are High in Pesticides- Quick Reference Guide

Certain fruits and vegetables have more pesticides in and on them than others.  I want to give you a quick overview of the ones that are considered the worst in terms of pesticide exposure, and then I’ll give you a “safe list.” 

Here’s the deal:  I know eating organic isn’t cheap.  I have a family on a tight budget and we know the challenges of trying to eat healthy on a budget.  Now, in the long run it’s cheaper to eat organic than pay medical bills down the road for cancer.  But if you want a short-run savings secret, you can do what we do.  You just need to know which fruits and vegetables are the worst in terms of pesticides and buy those organic.  You can buy produce on the “safe list” non-organic to save money.  If you can afford it, of course buying organic is always better.    

As always, you want to make sure you wash your produce thoroughly.  However, sometimes that’s not enough when fruits and vegetables have been growing using water that is contaminated with pesticides.  In other words, the pesticides are inside the fruits and vegetables.  That’s why organic is important. 

Okay, here are the WORST fruits and vegetables in terms of pesticide exposure:

  1.  Strawberries
  2. Cherries
  3. Potatoes
  4. Peaches
  5. Celery
  6. Apples (we always peel our apples if they are non-organic, just as extra precaution)
  7. Blueberries
  8. Spinach
  9. Imported grapes
  10. Lettuce
  11. Sweet bell peppers (green and red)
  12. Nectarines
  13. Apricots
  14. Green beans
  15. Cucumbers
  16. Pears


Safer Fruits & Veggies

  1.  Avocadoes
  2. Sweet peas
  3. Sweet corn
  4. Asparagus
  5. Onions
  6. Kiwi fruit
  7. Cantaloupe
  8. Pineapples
  9. Watermelon
  10. Mango
  11. Broccoli
  12. Eggplant
  13. Grapefruit
  14. Bananas
  15. Sweet potatoes
  16. Cabbage

Family Compost

My husband has made up his mind that he wants an organic garden and has been busy researching how to convert the small grassy area of our backyard where the dog currently craps.  Nevermind the fact that I’ve been bugging the man for ages about making a garden.  He thinks it’s his idea and we’ll just let him think that.

So, I came out to my kitchen one day to find this: 


I wasn’t exactly shocked at the mess, as my husband isn’t the most organized person on earth.  But…why is there food in the empty milk carton?


“Uh…what is this?”

“I’m making my own compost,” my husband explained.  “It’s going to be great for the garden.” 


The only problem is, I don’t want that stuff in my kitchen! 

So we compromised and he’ll be storing it outside.  I hope.  And I’ll be saving scraps (like banana peels, tea bags, egg shells, etc) for him. 

Another step closer toward making our organic garden!

Next on the agenda:  buy seeds and start the seedlings.


EPA’s Create Your Own Compost Pile  http://www.epa.gov/wastes/conserve/rrr/composting/by_compost.htm

Composting   http://www.gardenorganic.org.uk/composting/index.php

For the hardcore composters, how to make your own worm bin  http://www.stopwaste.org/home/index.asp?page=445

How to make compost  http://herbgardens.about.com/od/fertilizer/a/compost.htm