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10 Pieces of Advice for Going to the Dentist Before, During, and After Pregnancy

1.   Go! 

Dental care while pregnant (and after) is very important.  In fact, gum disease can affect the health of your baby.  Studies suggest that it can even lead to preterm labor.  So, definitely make sure you keep up with your regular cleanings and check-ups. 

2.       Tell your dentist you are pregnant. 

This will allow the dentist to plan your care accordingly in terms of medication and whether or not x-rays are necessary. 

3.       Make an appointment before you get pregnant, if possible.

Definitely try to get anything major done before you get pregnant.  If you can get any fillings or other procedures out of the way, you will eliminate a lot of worry and problems during pregnancy, when you are not as able to undergo these procedures.

4.       Avoid  X-rays while pregnant. 

This is especially true for the first trimester.

5.       Go to dental cleanings and check-ups even if you are pregnant.

6.       Post-baby check-up and cleaning. 

For me, this was hard because I didn’t want to be separated from my newborn and I was busy in the throes of motherhood.  What I did was arrange for my husband to meet me there.  I fed the baby before the appointment and he took him for a walk while I got my teeth checked and cleaned.  Easy! 

 A lot of women experience tooth decay and gum inflammation during pregnancy, so you definitely want this taken care of. 

7.       Save all unnecessary dental procedures for after the pregnancy.

8.       Most dental procedures and medication are compatible with breastfeeding.  Always check with your doctor, though.  I was surprised to discover this…so don’t let breastfeeding dissuade you from taking care of your teeth. 

9.       If you must have a dental procedure done, go after the first trimester.  The first trimester is the most important in terms of development, and when your baby is most susceptible to the things you put into your body.

10.   Brush and floss regularly.  If you are having morning sickness and it is interfering with your brushing, try to find a bland toothpaste to use to avoid the gagging.   







Eating Your Placenta

In Chinese medicine, eating your placenta after giving birth offers many health benefits. One of the most important benefits is staving off postpartum depression, which affects many women after child birth. It’s also said to have the benefit of helping milk production in a new mom.

Yes, that’s right. Eating your placenta. Some eat it raw in a smoothie, while most who decide to partake in this adventurous move will have the placenta dehydrated and made into capsule pills. This practice actually has a name: placentophagia. Sounds pretty official, right?

The placenta, which was once your baby’s source of nutrients, is rich is iron and protein. If you’re too squeamish to cook your own placenta, there are people you can hire that will do all the work for you and leave you with the capsules to take. This is called “placenta encapsulation.”

 This man documents his wife’s experience with placentophagia: http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1908194,00.html

And he even videotapes it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuxeAbeDcU0

 Judging by the comments on the YouTube video, not everyone can stomach placenta-eating!

 Other links of interest:




Postpartum Sex

…it’s the “thing” every postpartum mama contemplates in the back of her mind when she’s not worrying about poopy diapers, crying baby, feedings, etc.

Postpartum sex.

Most women are terrified of how it will feel.  Will it hurt?  Will I be “different” down there.  Will my husband/boyfriend notice a difference?  Will I ever be the same?

A lot of your postpartum feelings have to do with your birthing experience.  Did you have your baby vaginally or by c-section?  Did you tear?  Was it easy?  Traumatic?  Any damage done?  Each mother will have had a different experience. 

For me, I had a natural vaginal delivery and did not tear.  Sounds like I was good to go, right?  Nope.  I still feared the inevitable postpartum sex.  And when it happened, I couldn’t stop thinking “Is it over yet?” through clenched teeth.  Maybe it was nerves, maybe things were different “down there.”  One thing is for sure:  my favorite activity in the world had now become something dreadfully…uncomfortable.

These feelings I experienced are apparently normal.  Apparently this is a rite of passage for mothers that we just don’t hear about.  I started to wonder why more moms didn’t ever share these gruesome details with newbies like me.  Were they embarrassed?  Ashamed?  Too tired to care? 

So for all of you out there secretly going through the Postpartum Sex Experience, you are not alone. 

And there is even better news:  it gets better.  A lot better. 

Here are a few ground rules:

–           Wait at least 6 weeks to resume intercourse.  I waited 10 weeks!  I can’t believe it myself, but I’m now glad I did. 

–          Relax.  Tightening up with nerves won’t make it better.

–          Lots and lots of lube, especially if you’re breastfeeding.  Apparently breastfeeding dries you up, making it potentially more uncomfortable. 

–          Take it slow

–          Express your fears to your partner and work through it together

–          Try not to visualize and obsess over potential pain/discomfort.  Visualize awesome sex and keep your head in the right mood. 

Here are some helpful links for those of you contemplating postpartum sex:

10 Tips for Great Postpartum Sex:  http://pregnancy.about.com/od/postpartum/a/postpartumsex.htm

How to Have Great Postpartum Sex:  http://www.parents.com/parenting/relationships/sex-and-marriage-after-baby/how-to-have-great-postpartum-sex/

Causes of Painful Postpartum Sex:  http://www.examiner.com/x-4079-SF-Sexual-Health-Examiner~y2009m7d10-The-causes-of-painful-postpartum-sex

Resuming Postpartum Sex:  http://www.stronghealth.com/services/womenshealth/maternity/postpartumsex.cfm

Belly Wrap

Once your baby is born, you will have to deal with the aftermath of birth:  excess skin, extra weight, etc.  This can be very depressing for many new moms as they struggle to return to their pre-pregnancy bodies. 

If this is you, there may be a solution out there for you.  Introducing…belly wraps

Here’s what belly wraps do:

  • helps you re-gain your pre-pregnancy body by speeding up weight loss
  • helps reduce uterine swelling
  • reduces bloating
  • helps organs get back in place after delivery
  • helps your posture when breastfeeding
  • aids in the process of closing the birth canal
  • reduces post-pregnancy stretch marks
  • tones your abdominal muscles and skin
  • brings pliable hips back together to post pregnancy width
  • speeds up getting rid of waste blood


Belly bands have been around for centuries in places around the globe.  It’s discreet, so nobody will even know you’re wearing them.  They may be just the right thing to help boost your confidence about your body after giving birth, because you know, you really don’t need one more thing to stress about during this important time in your life. 

You’re supposed to start wearing the belly band about 1-2 days after giving birth.  You can wear them even if you have a c-section.  In fact, certain belly bands are great for helping the c-section healing process by reducing chances for tears.  It is recommended to wear the belly band for at least 6-8 weeks to get its maximum effectiveness. 

Many new moms recommend getting at least two belly bands.  If you have two belly bands, when it is time to wash one, you’ll have a spare to put on. 


bandit originalBelly Bandit Original post-pregnancy tummy wrap

Belly Bandit Original post-pregnancy tummy wrap

The Belly Bandit is an abdominal compression wrap designed to assist you in bringing your body back to its former beauty and proportion after child birth.   Hand wash.  Minimizes swelling. Adds abdominal support and comfort after C-Section.

If you are purchasing a Belly Bandit early on in your pregnancy best rule of thumb is to go up 1 to 2 band sizes from your pre-pregnancy size.

  • In the eighth month many women will be the same size as they will be post delivery. Simply measure the circumference of your waist starting at your belly button. Choose the corresponding band for your size.   Just prior to delivery simply subtract 3 to 5 inches from your waist measurement. Select the corresponding band for that size.  It comes in two colors!

Belly Bandit Original post-pregnancy tummy wrap



Belly Bandit Bamboo post-pregnancy tummy wrap        

Belly Bandit Bamboo post-pregnancy tummy wrap

This is the belly wrap recommended most for women who had c-sections (but anyone can use it). 

  • Same as the Original Belly Bandit, but in bamboo!
  • The eco-friendly Bamboo Belly Bandit is inherently anti-microbial, moisture wicking and is three times more durable than cotton. As a plant, Bamboo is a completely sustainable crop from the ground up. It requires no pesticides, fungicides, herbicides or additional water. Just add normal rainfall and it grows as much as four feet per day! Fabric made from Bamboo is one of the softest, all natural, GREENEST, fibers around. Being earth-friendly never felt so good!

Belly Bandit Bamboo post-pregnancy tummy wrap